DJ.Reload-R from Oss The Netherlands, started mixing hardcore tracks at the young age of 13 years, so it took some years before Rob finaly could let hear his dj skills instead of a real audience. So when he reached the age of 18 the time was come to perform at club Lime Light in his hometown Oss and Broadway in Erp were his brother was resident dj at that moment.
From this moment, the dj carreer of Reload-R started to roll, but at that moment he still didn’t have a dj name. So from that point he started to promote hisself as DJ.AR-T.With a few mixes on cd with a catchy cover, he started to contact a few organisations, and with succes ! No-Nonsense, X-Factor and Ultrasonik got all intressted in his dj skills after listening to his mixes and the first real bookings became reality !
After playing at several party’s in The Netherlands under the name AR-T, Rob made up his mind to change his dj name into Reload-R. Since this moment, june 2004, things started to become more and more serious, and he got booked for the X-Factor events in Groesbeek en Schaijk and became the resident dj in Club Carte Blanche in Weert. The highlite in the periode that he works under the name Reload-R is absolute the booking at 10 years Hemkade Hemkade Zaandam, together with the all the Dutch top dj’s